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Concerns and Strategies for Dementia in Old Age

As people age, memory loss is normal and somewhat expected. However, when memory loss begins to disturb daily routines and activities, it may be due to dementia. According to the Alzheimer’s Association (“What is Dementia?”), dementia is a general term (not a specific disease) for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. Dementia is caused by underlying diseases that damage the brain’s tissues, making it difficult for brain cells to communicate with one another. These communication interferences lead to problems like memory loss and confusion.

Memory loss and confusion may not only affect daily life, but daily medications and prescription routines. Without proper knowledge of medications taken, or the ability to recall proper dosages and directions, one may easily over-dose or under-dose on prescribed or over-the-counter medications. This can lead to severe health complications, as well as emergency visits, which could have easily been avoided. With proper health care providers managing, administering, and maintaining medication routines, emergencies are diminished and the safety and health of the individual is honored and protected. Health care providers also offer the added benefit of predictable and comforting daily routines for your loved ones suffering from dementia. Knowing someone is taking care of them on a daily basis, providing daily conversations and having their best interests in mind, grants all family members a peace of mind and can greatly impair further dementia.

Here at Pledge Private Duty, we want to assist you in providing proper and quality home care services, which will provide daily stability and eliminate emergency visits due to improper doses of medication. We will provide the proper prescriptions, with the correct dosage amounts, at the proper times, all while answering any questions or concerns you or your loved ones may have regarding medications (such as over-the-counter medications) or prescriptions. We want you to feel comfortable asking any questions you may have, at any time, all while providing you with the best and most accurate medical information and the highest professional care available.

Works Cited
“What is Dementia?” Alzheimer’s Association, n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2014.

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Personal Healthcare Assistance at Home, Alzhiemers
41399 Llorac Ln.
Northville, MI 48167

Phone: 734-386-6503
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