As we reflect on the holiday season, we often reminisce of times past and the memories of times spent with family, friends and loved ones. However, during the holidays, elderly people are often alone and dependent on others to include them in holiday festivities. During the holidays, they can feel depressed and saddened due to their loneliness and lack of independence, having lost the ability to do things for themselves.
This sadness and frustration can lead to additional stress and anxiety, which can lead to high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Hypertension can weaken and damage arteries throughout the body, creating a much higher susceptibility and risk to stroke and heart attack.
Pledge Private Duty understands the psychological and physiological issues of the elderly and the importance of taking additional care and concern for your loved ones during the holidays. This is why we pledge to our clients that we will not charge holiday overtime rates to provide our caregiver services. We want to make our services affordable to our elderly clients, no matter what time of the year it may be.
During this busy holiday season, even the home family caregiver, such as the child or spouse, could use a break for the holidays. More often than not, the family caregiver’s health deteriorates as well when taking care of a sick or dependent elderly person at home, adding additional stress and anxiety. Consider Pledge Private Duty to assist you during these busy times of the year; it can be just as important to your health as well to your loved ones.